So! You’ve done your research. You’ve learned that mini dental implants are minimally invasive, suitable for a wide variety of patients, and because they are affordable, can increase your practice revenues and profitability. And yet, something is holding you back. Let’s walk through the potential obstacles...

1. You need more education and preparation.

Not a problem! Sterngold offers a variety of in-person and remote training courses so you learn all there is to know about treatment options utilizing mini dental implants.

Check out our selection of Course offerings, and register today.

2. You’re not sure how to proceed.

Totally understandable! This is why we offer a free consultation. Our implant experts are ready to listen and respond to your questions in a one-on-one virtual appointment. They can navigate a path to show you how adding mini implants can change patient lives for the better and increase practice income. Call 1-800-243-9942 or send an email to [email protected], for a quick conversation.
Also, consider investing in a MOR® mini implant starter kit!

3. You’re not sure if placing mini implants is right for your practice.

We get it! Not many service solutions have such a positive and immediate impact on your practice as dental mini implants. If offering the treatment is not relevant to you at this time, we hope you can share the message with your peers or simply refer them to [email protected], for assistance.

Just Remember...

MOR® Mini Dental Implants can change your practice and patient lives!

Mini implant retained, tissue supported dentures can help you provide a better quality of life for edentulous patients. The procedure is affordable and simple. Your patients can eat better, gain more confidence, and gain significantly increased overall denture satisfaction. And Sterngold is ready and willing to help turn this treatment into a reality for you and your practice.